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Hanon Group (www.hanonlab. com) makes the following legal statement on the intellectual property protection, website use, operating rules, website exemption and other matters of this website:

1、Intellectual property

1.1 Domain name, logo and distinguished name
Used by this website“ http://www.hanonlab. com ”The registered domain names and proprietary names of "Hanon Group" and other websites are protected by relevant laws. Without the consent of Hanon Group, no unit or individual shall use the above domain names and proprietary names that are easy to cause confusion or ambiguity. The website logo, pattern and Chinese and English name used in this website are the exclusive logo of Hanon Group. and shall not be used by anyone without the permission of the website owner.

1.2 Copyright
All contents of this website, including but not limited to words, pictures, web pages, logos, databases, programs, video and sound contents, layout, column catalogue and name, content classification, etc., are owned by this website and are protected by the copyright law of the people's Republic of China, the provisions of applicable international conventions on copyright protection and other relevant laws and regulations, Without the written permission of Hanon Group, no unit or individual shall use the contents and services provided by this website for commercial, profit-making, advertising and other purposes.

1.3 Trademark
Any trademarks, marks, logos, logo graphics, etc. of this website are unique signs of this website. Without the written authorization of this website, no one shall use, imitate, copy or modify the trademarks, marks, logos, logo graphics, etc. of this website.

2、Website use

Please use this website correctly, abide by the relevant rules of this website, and do not tamper with, modify or damage the contents, pages, pictures, databases and programs of this website at will. In using this website or engaging in any other activities related to this website, no one shall damage the legitimate rights and interests of this website, affiliated enterprises and any third party.

3、Operating rules

The website reserves the right to monitor the content on the website and to delete other content that the website considers harmful, controversial or in violation of the operating rules. In order to prevent users of this website from suffering losses caused by untrue, malicious attacks or other harmful statements on the rights of others, it is necessary for this website to establish the following operating rules to avoid abuse of this website:
When you use this website, you cannot:
(1) Paste or disseminate any illegal, threatening, defamatory, derogatory, retaliatory, blasphemous or any other information prohibited by law, including but not limited to the dissemination of any content that incites to encourage crime, violates civil obligations or any other violation of national laws and regulations, local regulations or international laws, practices or conventions;    (2) Paste, disseminate or disseminate the private affairs of any other person, paste or disseminate content with virus, or any derogatory or damaging characteristics;
(3) Paste or disseminate any data, graphics or programs that may infringe the property rights of others, including but not limited to the illegal use of unregistered copyright texts, graphics or programs, trade secrets and other confidential information, trademarks, service marks, etc;
(4)Interfere with other users of this website in any form;
(5)Engage in any other acts that damage the rights and interests of this website, related enterprises and / or any third party.

4、Privacy protection

No one shall use or use this website to obtain, steal or steal the privacy of others, and shall not infringe upon anyone's right to privacy. This website will strictly manage and protect the data provided by users, and will use corresponding technical measures to prevent users' personal data from being lost, stolen or tampered with. If the user's information is damaged, leaked and lost due to force majeure, computer virus infection, hacker attack, malicious behavior or any third party's behavior, this website will not bear any responsibility.


All the contents of Hanon Group are for reference only. Please correctly understand and learn from the relevant contents of this website. The website does not assume any responsibility for any disputes, disputes, infringement, claims and other matters arising from the use of the website.Hanon Group does not provide any express or implied guarantee for all contents on this website, including but not limited to website operation or information, content, materials or products on this website. Hanon Group shall not be liable for any loss or any loss caused by the use of this website, including but not limited to direct, indirect, accidental, punitive or induced losses.

6、Liability prosecution

For any infringement of the intellectual property rights enjoyed by this website, any illegal use of this website and its contents, as well as the use and use of this website to obtain, steal, steal others' privacy and infringe others' privacy, and / or engage in any behavior that causes any loss to this website and / or related enterprises, This website and related enterprises reserve the right to make full claims and resort to legal means.

Legal notice

Hanon Group (www.hanonlab. com) makes the following legal statement on the intellectual property protection, website use, operating rules, website exemption and other matters of this website:

1、Intellectual property

1.1 Domain name, logo and distinguished name
Used by this website“ http://www.hanonlab. com ”The registered domain names and proprietary names of "Hanon Group" and other websites are protected by relevant laws. Without the consent of Hanon Group, no unit or individual shall use the above domain names and proprietary names that are easy to cause confusion or ambiguity. The website logo, pattern and Chinese and English name used in this website are the exclusive logo of Hanon Group. and shall not be used by anyone without the permission of the website owner.

1.2 Copyright
All contents of this website, including but not limited to words, pictures, web pages, logos, databases, programs, video and sound contents, layout, column catalogue and name, content classification, etc., are owned by this website and are protected by the copyright law of the people's Republic of China, the provisions of applicable international conventions on copyright protection and other relevant laws and regulations, Without the written permission of Hanon Group, no unit or individual shall use the contents and services provided by this website for commercial, profit-making, advertising and other purposes.

1.3 Trademark
Any trademarks, marks, logos, logo graphics, etc. of this website are unique signs of this website. Without the written authorization of this website, no one shall use, imitate, copy or modify the trademarks, marks, logos, logo graphics, etc. of this website.

2、Website use

Please use this website correctly, abide by the relevant rules of this website, and do not tamper with, modify or damage the contents, pages, pictures, databases and programs of this website at will. In using this website or engaging in any other activities related to this website, no one shall damage the legitimate rights and interests of this website, affiliated enterprises and any third party.

3、Operating rules

The website reserves the right to monitor the content on the website and to delete other content that the website considers harmful, controversial or in violation of the operating rules. In order to prevent users of this website from suffering losses caused by untrue, malicious attacks or other harmful statements on the rights of others, it is necessary for this website to establish the following operating rules to avoid abuse of this website:
When you use this website, you cannot:
(1) Paste or disseminate any illegal, threatening, defamatory, derogatory, retaliatory, blasphemous or any other information prohibited by law, including but not limited to the dissemination of any content that incites to encourage crime, violates civil obligations or any other violation of national laws and regulations, local regulations or international laws, practices or conventions;    (2) Paste, disseminate or disseminate the private affairs of any other person, paste or disseminate content with virus, or any derogatory or damaging characteristics;
(3) Paste or disseminate any data, graphics or programs that may infringe the property rights of others, including but not limited to the illegal use of unregistered copyright texts, graphics or programs, trade secrets and other confidential information, trademarks, service marks, etc;
(4)Interfere with other users of this website in any form;
(5)Engage in any other acts that damage the rights and interests of this website, related enterprises and / or any third party.

4、Privacy protection

No one shall use or use this website to obtain, steal or steal the privacy of others, and shall not infringe upon anyone's right to privacy. This website will strictly manage and protect the data provided by users, and will use corresponding technical measures to prevent users' personal data from being lost, stolen or tampered with. If the user's information is damaged, leaked and lost due to force majeure, computer virus infection, hacker attack, malicious behavior or any third party's behavior, this website will not bear any responsibility.


All the contents of Hanon Group are for reference only. Please correctly understand and learn from the relevant contents of this website. The website does not assume any responsibility for any disputes, disputes, infringement, claims and other matters arising from the use of the website.Hanon Group does not provide any express or implied guarantee for all contents on this website, including but not limited to website operation or information, content, materials or products on this website. Hanon Group shall not be liable for any loss or any loss caused by the use of this website, including but not limited to direct, indirect, accidental, punitive or induced losses.

6、Liability prosecution

For any infringement of the intellectual property rights enjoyed by this website, any illegal use of this website and its contents, as well as the use and use of this website to obtain, steal, steal others' privacy and infringe others' privacy, and / or engage in any behavior that causes any loss to this website and / or related enterprises, This website and related enterprises reserve the right to make full claims and resort to legal means.

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